Preview orders mode


This feature allows you to preview the src="Images and alter quantities and partial print orders.
Select the order and click the Preview button.

Color Correction

Color and density corrections can be made in the Preview mode by clicking an image in the Preview pane.

Corrections are applied when the src="Images are printed or output in other ways such as hot folder and pdf.


The adjustment controls are clickable to increase or decrease the adjustment:


Click to add the selected color(Cyan, Magenta, Yellow) or density, right-click to remove.
The number keypad can also be used:

Clicking the image rotates the image view.

Navigate to the next or previous image by pressing > or <.

Correction clipboard: Pressing Ctrl-c copies the correction. Ctrl-v pastes the correction onto other src="Images.

How it works: Corrections are stored in an xml file and applied when the image is printed or previewed. Original and print image files are not changed. Note: Thumbnail src="Images on the main screen do not show the corrections.