Agfa Dworkflow Setup

IPS Order Manager communicates with the Agfa DWorkflow server that manages orders for Agfa DLab and Netlab printers.
Agfa connection requires a staging folder to place batches and images before transmitting them to the DWorkflow server. This folder should be a new empty folder on a drive that is always connected. Once created do not alter folders and files in this folder. If the Agfa connection is no longer in use this folder can be deleted.
Do not select a folder on the DWorkflow server PC.

Agfa folder setup

Adding an Agfa output

Click Outputs, Agfa and click Add new...

Agfa folder setup

Enter a name for the output (such as DLab) and click Locate folder.
Make or select an empty folder on a local drive e.g. name the folder Agfa.

Creating the data folders

Agfa folder setup

When the folder has been assigned a button, Create data folders, will become visible. Click this button to create the subfolders in the assigned folder and place command text files in them.

Agfa folder setup

Once the folders are created the rest of the settings will become visible and settings can be updated.

Dworkflow server IP address

Obtain this from the DWorkflow server PC status screen or by using the IPConfig command in a command window.

Border size

If you make bordered prints, set this to the border size. If not leave it empty or set to 0 and ignore the trigger setting.

Agfa folder setup


Click this to set the condition that triggers the border option:

On MyDakis the Printing Order Options specify border settings. Usually a customer selecting 'White Border' indicates borders are to be printed. You may have renamed this option or it may be a different language. If so, you will need to select that text on this form. The text here has been collected from orders processed so far. If none have been processed than no text will be listed. You may need to put a test order through with the border option selected.

Agfa folder setup


Clicking the dropdown box will display all Agfa paper surfaces available: Usually only Glossy and Matte are specified on DLab printers.

Agfa folder setup

Select those paper widths that are available.

Do this for each surface; select another surface and select widths.


Select the backprint definition.


If selected, this applies auto correction of images. Default is off. There are certain prerequisites, such as number of images per order, for this to be effective. Refer to the DLab documentation.

The setup is now complete. Close the settings page.

Agfa folder setup

Channel assignment

As orders arrive the appropriate papers need to be assigned: