Noritsu Network Terminal Setup

Orders are sent to a shared folder and picked up by the Noritsu using Network terminal setting or Net Order mode.
The shared folder must be accessible by both the Order manager and Noritsu pc.

Noritsu setup

Folder naming

Sequential number is the default. Order number uses the order number data as the folder name.


Select the backprint setting to be applied for this output device


Requests the Noritsu printer apply auto correction of images. Off, On and default. Default will use the channel correction setting.


Check if the printer is capable of duplex printing.

Maximum image size

This is mainly for older models that cannot manage large image sizes: Set a value to reduce large images.

Clear old files

Check this to delete files that may be left in the output folder over a day old.

Verify printing

Check to wait for the printer to process the order and verify it is accepted ok.

Add blank print

Only for Noritsu dual roll printers. Ensures even print count by adding a blank print.


Imports channels for easy Dakis format matching to channels

Options: Order Sort print

If set, adds an id print to seperate print runs. It shows the order details. This can be set to print at the start or end of the order.

Options: Perfectly Clear Quickserver

Instead of sending directly to the printer, it flags Perfectly Clear Quickserver to process the images, then Quickserver sends the order to the printer.

Noritsu: Setting Network terminal setting

Noritsu: Setup on EZController

On the EZController Main Display click F - Management Tool - System management - Network terminal setting

Noritsu: Importing Channels

Procedure to export print channels from the Noritsu EZ Controller.

Noritsu setup
  1. On the Noritsu EZ Controller, Access the Print Channel setup menu
  2. Click the Export button at the bottom of the channel list.
  3. Record where the channel export file is located.
    There will be a number of files: ch_data.csv contains all the channel data. The other files contain subsets.

Procedure to import print channels exported from the Noritsu EZ Controller.

Noritsu setup
  1. In IPS Order Manager click the Settings menu.
  2. Select the Noritsu minilab
  3. Click Import channels.
  4. Navigate to the export folder and select ch_data.csv.
  5. Click Open.
  6. The file import will complete.