Roes Orb Setup

Roes Orb setup for printing to a Roes Orb server.
Order Manager generates an xml file for transferring Dakis orders to a Roes server.

Setup options

Roes setup

Orb Server settings

Set your production server url address here. User name and password are required.

You can select Test lab for debugging purposes to verify order information is valid.

Lab data

Lab Id is required.

Image location

Images are copied to a location accessible by the Roes server. This can be a local network or network location accessible by a url.

There are two components:

  1. The folder where the images are copied by Order Manager.
  2. The address that the Roes server uses to access these images. If the local network is accessible by the Roes server you do not need to specify a url location. Otherwise you need to specify a url and username/password so that the Roes server can access the images.

Editing the image location:

Temporary data

You can specify a folder to place the xml files. If no folder is specified then a Windows temporary location is used.